
Sober Living Network

Many people struggle to stay sober after rehab because they lack a stable and supportive living environment. This can lead to relapse during a crucial time in recovery.

RGV Road to Recovery Solution

We’re building a network of safe and supportive sober living homes across the US. These homes provide structure and accountability to help people in recovery focus on long-term sobriety.

Why Sober Living?

  • Higher Success Rates: Statistics show much better odds of staying sober with the support of a sober living home.
  • Structured Environment: Clear rules and expectations help residents build routines and cope with challenges in a healthy way.
  • Stronger Support System: Living with others on the same journey fosters a sense of community, which is vital for long-term success.

The Need for Safe Housing

Over 20 million Americans struggle with substance use disorder. The demand for safe, supportive housing in recovery remains high.

What is a Sober Living Home?

Sober living homes are drug- and alcohol-free environments that offer:

  • Accountability: Residents are held responsible for staying sober.
  • Support Services: Many homes provide help with finding jobs, managing finances, and developing life skills.
  • Recovery Programs: Residents may participate in programs to strengthen their commitment to staying sober.

To address many of the socioeconomic challenges people face in the early stages of recovery, sober living homes also offer recovery support services to establish accountability and help residents overcome common obstacles like finding a job or building a sober community.

Examples of recovery support services include:

    • Educational planning

Benefits of Sober Living

Studies show that people in sober living homes combined with outpatient treatment programs experience:

  • Increased Sobriety Rates
  • Improved Job Opportunities
  • Stronger Support Networks

Additionally, sober living residents must follow certain community rules and expectations that are enforced by the house management. Common rules at sober living homes include:

    • Maintaining a sober lifestyle

    • Making curfew every night

    • Maintaining a living environment that is safe, clean, and welcoming

    • Avoiding all inappropriate, violent, and/or sexual contact with other residents

    • Having all guests and visitors approved by the appropriate staff member(s)
    • Paying rent and covering other personal expenses

Sober Living vs. Halfway Houses

Sober living offers more flexibility than halfway houses, which have residency time limits. Residents in sober living homes can stay as long as they follow the rules and contribute financially.

Join the Movement

RGV Road to Recovery is here to help you build a solid foundation for lasting recovery. Contact us to learn more about our sober living network.