
7 Uplifting Prayers for Hope

Lisa Loraine Baker

Author of Someplace to Be Somebody

UPDATEDMarch 31, 2023

Hope. We all long for it, although we cannot always identify what drives us to tears or worry or anger or…you get the drift. All those emotions plus depression and anxiety can enter in when we experience a lack of hope. 

A favorite Bible verse for many is 1 Corinthians 13:13, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Hope is included in what we can call the big three. The greatest is love, for without love how could we even have faith or hope? “God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). 

We hope in God. Why? Because God loves us and because He does what He promises to do. He never changes, He never forsakes us, He is always for us. He means all things for good for those who love Him and who are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28). God is good, and God is holy, faithful, trustworthy – the list of our great God’s perfect character is infinite!

As such, we can come to God when our hope is weak. Focusing on Him restores hope! Your prayers can be taken from Scripture, a personalization of a Psalm or other passage, or you can make heartfelt cries to the Lord. He hears them all.

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A Prayer for Hope


Your word tells us hope abides. How can I falter when I know You and know this to be true? I confess I get weak, Lord, but that’s only when I turn my eyes away from You. When you told Peter to walk to You on the water, He came at once and then looked down. That’s when he faltered. Give me hope to keep my eyes fixed on You, for You forever hold me in the palms of Your mighty hands. I can rest in You. My hope is You.


A Prayer for Strength and Courage

Lord God,

Just as You told Joshua to be strong and courageous, so too can I. You told Joshua You would be with him. He had no reason to fear, and You are with me, too! Nothing I might face in this world is too hard for You to overcome. Yes, Father, I struggle. I think I don’t have the strength to go on when bad times and evil lies befall me. My neck grows too weak to hold up my head. And then I read Your word and welcome Your Holy Spirit to fill me once again. And You raise me up! You have secured for me my full armor! As I buckle my belt of truth, place the helmet of salvation upon my head, cinch the breastplate of righteousness firmly on, step in the shoes which provide readiness to share the gospel of peace—as I hold the shield of faith and grasp the sword of the Spirit, my hope soars! All these pieces of armor are You! You are the victor, and You will work mightily in and through me. Thank You, Lord, for the hope of strength and courage that comes from You!


Photo credit: Unsplash/Josh Boot

A Prayer for When You Are Weary of the Struggle

Lord Jesus,

I’m tired. I have nothing left but labored breath. I have fought so hard and for so long, and for what? The battle is too much. What can I do? My God, my God, You have me! Let me feel Your perfect, loving arms enfold me. Lift me, for I am light as a feather in Your strong grasp. Again, I trust You to pull me through. Teach me the lessons You have for me, and I will thank You for Your patience with me. I will tell of Your kindness and Your goodness. Lord, Your word says You are the everlasting God—the Creator of the ends of the earth. You do not faint or grow weary. Your understanding is unsearchable, and You give power to we who are faint. You give me power when I have none. I’m exhausted, but I wait for You, because I know You will renew my strength. I will fly like an eagle! I’ll not tire of running and I’ll not faint from weariness. O, thank you and I praise Your name, Abba, Father!


A Prayer for God to Calm the Storm

Almighty Father,

The storm of hopelessness rages! I have no one who understands what I’m going through, and I need help. I need You! Father, calm the storm as You did when You were on the Sea of Galilee. Show Your power Lord and all else will fall away in silence. The thunder will bring nothing. The lightnings of discouragement and distress are dim in the presence of Your glory. You are holy. Yours is the majesty which calms all the storms of our lives. And the storm calms, Father, because I focus on You and who You have created me to be. I know every storm is surmountable because You are sovereign. Thank You for restoring my hope as I look into Your word and proclaim Your might. I give You all the praise. In Jesus’ name and for His glory I pray.


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A Prayer for Hope and Guidance

My Father,

I don’t know what to do right now, but You do. Please take this uncertainty and change it to confidence. Not in myself, but in You. I am bereft because no solution is in sight, and I am in desperate need of Your Spirit to fill me and guide me in the right direction. I have no hope in myself because I am poor and needy. King David prayed that, and You heard him and gave him exactly what he needed. I choose to trust You, Father. I trust Your timing as You hear my prayer and show me what to do. What will bring You the most glory, Lord? Help me to know.

In the matchless name of Jesus, I pray.


A Prayer for a Miracle


I can’t do this. No man or woman can. Only You can bring hope, and we know You only do wondrous things. Your word tells us just that in Psalm 72. Miracles are Yours alone, Father. I claim no expectation, just expectancy in what You will do, and I will be content—thankful even—with whatever You choose to do. I know you hear me, Lord. I know You love me. All my hope is in You now and forever.


A Prayer for Salvation

My Lord Jesus,

I am fearful for my beloved one. They continue to rebuff me when I share the gospel. I tell them I hope they understand I don’t want them to perish but each time, my hope is dashed by their anger and refusal to accept the truth. You are the truth and I know, Father, no one can come to You unless You draw them to Yourself through the Lord Jesus Christ. Draw them to You, my Lord. Help them understand the peace, joy, and amazing love they will enjoy as Yours. You say in Your word You desire all men to come to You. I pray my beloved one says “yes” to Your kind invitation. Thank You for hearing me, Lord. In You my hope is restored. In Your mighty name I pray,


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Some Biblical Passages We Can Pray Back to the Lord

Psalm 3:5

Psalm 13

Psalm 19:14

Psalm 23

Psalm 24:1

Psalm 119:18, 147

Colossians 3:23-24

Hebrews 4:16

So many passages throughout Scripture can be prayed to the Lord. As you reflect during your Bible reading and study, try praying what you have studied. Pray along with Jesus and the Apostles throughout the Gospels and the Epistles. Prayer is an amazing conversation between us and God. As we pray, take time to listen as the Spirit reminds you of Scriptures, and God’s work throughout history, both the world’s and your personal history.

You can also sing favored hymns and other songs of praise, lifting your voice to the One who loves your adoration. He is faithful. No matter what befalls us, there is hope. As long as we have breath, there is hope, and hope comes from the Lord. I pray the Lord’s blessing on you.